Wednesday 18 July 2007

Becoming obsessive - # 172

You'll have to bear with me while I play at tweaking the camera to get the best of the multiple high spots and shadows of the bar area at Henry's. Meanwhile, I'm forced to pay more and more attention to the bizarre details that the designer has put into this original construction, built for the purpose. Is the wierd spiral drink delivery system only there for show, or does it actually work, running the bottles up and down the columns? Placing the mirrors up above is a well known decorative device, but here it plays a strong role in setting the atmosphere.


  1. At least no ladies in skimpy clothes are using the pole to dance on. I like the idea of delivery by pole though and the photo is certainly mind-boggling in colors and details. Nice shot.

    Abraham Lincoln
    Brookville Daily Photo

  2. I think I would be mostly looking outside through those windows you mentioned a couple of days ago.

    Regarding your flower post and comment about the breeze, are you aware of the bucket method? I haven't had use for it, but perhaps it might be of interest for you?
    Search for keywords flower, photographing, bucket, method.


    What do they do with wheat once they extract the useful bits? This past weekend, all the golden fields were cut and then piles of the stalk were let to dry and then were later baled. I imagine they had removed the grain, but what do I know about these things? Your earlier remark that the wheat looked "sad" made me wonder if there was nothing to salvage.

  3. I heard that opening hours had been relaxed in England (we Scots have been liberal for a while of course) but this is ridiculous, you've been there for three days now. Keep twiddling the knobs, you'll probably never balance the exposure in this scene using digital without resorting to multiple exposures and merging them in photoshop or HDR-ing them. If you underexpose enough to retain the highlights, you'll likely have a lot of noise to deal with in the shadows
