Saturday, 15 September 2007's all about colour - # 231

There's little that is "aesthetic" about the physical structure of the town of Southall, but the Indians have brought their own magic. It's all about colour - vibrant colour! You first notice it in the vegetable displays. Not only are they a little bit exotic for the traditional English "northern climate" eye, but they are strikingly colourful: absolutely dazzling.


  1. The vegetables displayed at our local super market are displayed in ways that remind me of your post today. They always look fabulous.

  2. One of my favorite summer activities is visiting the market. Despite the chilly air, I think I'll be off in a few moments to my weekly early morning
    Saturday activity to see if our market can top this photo!

  3. Great photo of inticing food. By the way, your blog's subheading is excellent!

  4. Okay, this is making me want to cook something with red pepper.

  5. Interesting vignette effect - been at the vaseline? (real or digital).
    Vegetable displays are often the most interesting. I read once that supermarkets have the loose vegetable displays near the entrance, because handling and choosing them gets shoppers into the right sort of purchasing mood. I'm curious also how many diverse types can each be £2.20/kg. Reminds me of the switch to the euro in France, when so many things seemed to magically become 10euros

  6. WoW...this is a beautifully captured shot. It reminds me so much of the Indian markets, only here I think the noise and hustle is more than there and yes the markets are colourful indeed with some exotic vegetables.

  7. Okay, now I'm eager to see what the typical English display looks like, to compare with this one.

  8. Be happy that they brought you these colours!
