Thursday, 6 December 2007

Street cafe trading opportunity - England 6th December 07- # 314

Climate change (a modern term for "it's sunnier and warmer than it used to be") has brought to England the benefits of the street cafe open air life style. However, there are still some limitations. In part, these limitations are related to the fact that this year "it's a great deal less sunny and far much wetter than it used to be".


  1. I always like black & white photography especially when it is raining. Excellent shot.

  2. Very moody and nicely done for that. Using B&W on a damp, gray day with a lot of depth and a single figure gives it a melancholy feel.

  3. I wonder what he's got in that bag?

  4. I love the chain barrier around the table and chairs!
    Is it to protect the patrons from the great unwashed?

  5. Black and white works so well here. Good to see the ole National Lottery sign at the newsagents on the right. Brings back a bit of Blighty to me here in Polska!

    Today on TORUŃ DP we have an interesting post involving Nazi Officers. So if you're interested in history...come and check it out!

  6. At least you have what appear to be metal chairs. Here they are often rattan and get mighty wet when it rains. Not that it rains often!

    Nice photo, Chuckeroon. Really moody in black and white. Wrap up warm it says and have a coffee at home!

    The man has a cooked chicken in his bag. My guess.

  7. Typically British weather! Warm and wet winters, we still have roses blooming her.

    from South Shields Daily Photo
