Tuesday 2 December 2008

Rushing homeward - # 08/279

Just a snap looking from Kingston Bridge (one of the oldest bridge crossings over the Thames - even a Roman bridge? I must check it.) towards the centre. As you know I generally don't "do" people, but I like to show an ordinary street scene now and then. As a town with both a university and higher education colleges Kingston has a large population of youngsters around about. It's also a major retail shopping centre. The street scene reflects all this.


  1. I love the sign that says Thames Walk. Now that's inviting. Super shot of a busy town and life as it goes on.

  2. Une magnifique composition qui accentue les volumes comme château de cubes.
    J'aime bien la façade lisse qui part à gauche accentuée par la ligne des éclairages.
    Seras tu vexé si je te dis que c'est une photo dont Richard lui même serait capable ?
