Sunday, 21 March 2010

The glass is more than half full - # 11/10

Charles Aznostix, the much loved Gallo-Armenian chanteur, nips about the kitchen preparing his lunch:  a fine field mushroom, topped with a disc of good French goat cheese accompanied by an excellent and unusual German red (yes, German red) wine - a rarely available estate-bottled Vogtsburg-Bischhofflingen of the pinot noir grape variety, followed by a fresh clementine, a cup of coffee and some Cadbury's whole hazel nut milk chocolate.  What better and what more healthy for one who must be constantly at peak performance for his expectant and demanding clientele?  Charles would not hesitate to recommend the wine - also superb with a fine 100% natural grass-fed Scottish grown rib-eye beef steak of totally traceable origin, with pommes frites, accompanied by a lettuce and tomato salad dressed in olive oil and Italian balsamic vinegar laced with a touch of fresh garlic.  Charles also declares his delight with his recent move to Britain where he finds the culinary standards to be far above his expectations and sounds a warning to his French countrymen.  "You may have won the rugby thanks to a bad referee who discriminated against the English who, critics all agree, actually beat you on the field; but just watch out - la France is definitely on a downer where lunch is concerned!"


  1. The bottle is more than half empty.....

  2. @Richard.........I'm struggling hard to see the connection.

  3. Pardon Chuckeroon, mon anglais est un peu défaillant ce soir je n'ai donc pas tout compris. Ah le tokay pinot noir ! C'est un délicieux petit vin fruité d'Alsace ! J'ai des souvenirs qui remontent à 25 ans au moins d'une bouteille bien fraiche dégustée juste après avoir passé le col de Saverne !
    Bon. Si les français n'ont pas inventé le rugby et n'ont pas su garder le vin de leur coté du Rhin, du moins leur reste-t-il les chèvres ?

  4. @Cergie........ah, je craigne que Non! Meme dans la question des chevres je trouve les specialites anglaises dans le cadre "fromage de chevre" nettement superieures. L'example francais ci montre est de la qualite "standarde" et moins cher. Mais, continuez...peut-etre que vous retrapperiez dans l'avenir?

    Ta percpicacite m' eblouit, comme toujours!!!

  5. Délicieux!! I'll have some of that wine as well, pour me a glass s'il vous plait! :)

  6. I prefer dark chocolate, but everything else looks just fine. Does your man deliver?

  7. Hi Stuart! Come on; who could pay attention to Շահնուր Վաղինակ Ազնավուրյան? ;)) Excellent German red...: His expectations are surely down... ;))

    Thanks for your comments at Blogtrotter 2, which has now landed in Mexico. Aznostix would find ti awesome: guacamole every meal... ;))
    Enjoy and have a great week!!

  8. Brilliant surname, Stuart.

  9. Just what the doctor ordered!

  10. Too funny. I always love your commentaries. This one is right up there with the best. Lunch looks good!

  11. So, you managed to find THE good German redwine! (Not the same as on the Lufthansa flights! Sorry!)

    ... and Christmas Pudding for dessert? (I like the Christmas Pudding!)

  12. Oh, that's a good sized disk of I'm hungry!
