Saturday, 8 May 2010

Taking the biscuit - # 22/10

What luxury!  My bone china "cat-mug" and my speciality shortbread ginger flavoured biscuit, a cup of excellent Indian tea and the News at Ten on BBC Radio 4 before tucking down into my nice cosy bed: my books and electric light to read by.

What really thrills me is the recent discovery that all white Europeans have at least 2% of Neanderthal DNA!  "Neanderthal!" is normally an insult neatly hurled across a field of anger at someone you think is culturally and intellectually inferior.  (What a base instinct that is). 

However, it's certain that Neanderthals lived about a mile away from where I am typing this.  I've always had a soft spot for them.  Now I can welcome them in to sit down and chat.  "Come in cousin. I'm pleased to see you.  Have a look around and feel at home.  You've travelled a long way, haven't you!  But please do wipe your feet and wash your hands first." 


  1. The only problems with Neanderthals, they never had a ginger-lavoured biscuit or an electric light to read by. If they did, they would probably been nice people too.

  2. Now THAT would make the degrees and removes of consanguinity a smidge difficult to work out!

  3. ginger shortbread, sounds divine!

  4. They still do - It's called Twickenham RFC

  5. Je croyais que Néanderthal avait complétement disparu et qu'il n'était pas fertile avec Cromagnon. Cromagnon coiffé d'un chapeau melon ou d'un béret ne se démarquerait pas d'un britannique ou d'un français d'aujourd'hui.
    (J'adorerais savoir focuser sur ces biscuits au gingembre et pas seulement avec mes yeux...)

  6. Est ce que tu aimes la tarte au sucre ?
    Je sais faire la tarte au sucre comme dans le nord de la France...

  7. tarte au sucre? connais pas. C'est Normande (bon!)?
    ou Napoleonique (questionnable!)?

  8. Hi Stuart! Only 2%? I'm surprised... ;))

    Ephesus Masterpieces are at Blogtrotter Two for you to enjoy; I’m sure you’ll be impressed!! Have a great week!!

  9. Coincidence; I just enjoyed a shortbread (Walkers Pure Butter Highlanders) when I opened your blog! :-)

  10. I"m with Peter, I enjoy those myself but have to ration them, or I will gobble the whole package! Yours now, when I visit will we have some homemade ones with our tea?? :)

    And about Neanderthals, good grief Stuart, they are all over this place where I live!

  11. Oops, forgot to say, that is one lovely photograph!!

  12. Une chose intérressante à observer dans les cavernes des néanderthaliens : les restes de nourriture et les ustensiles de cuisine.
    Celui-ci a sans doute été chassé par un tigre laineux et n'a pas fini son biscuit qui s'est fossilisé....

    (La tarte au sucre est une délicieuse spécialité du nord de la France avec beaucoup de beurre, du sucre, du lait, des oeufs et de la levure de boulanger. Elle se pétrit et se lève comme du pain. Ce midi je mange le reste de la tarte à la rhubarbe que j'ai faite hier)

  13. Hi Stuart! How is everything?
    Sorry for the absence, but my computer broke down and I’ll be waiting a month for it to be fixed… ;-( Anyhow, I left you a post on the suburbs of Ephesus for you to enjoy. Have a great weekend!!

  14. Thanks for the comment on Blogtrotter Two and on the Revival... Everything and thirty pounds less... ;))
    Since you're still in recovery, Blogtrotter Two has a sunset cruise for you! Enjoy the cocktails and the views and have a great weekend!!
