Friday, 30 November 2007

The world in a rain drop - # 308

We're still with my apple tree. Here we see a rain drop wrapped around a new bud that will provide blossom next year......(forming already although it's still November).

In the water droplet you can clearly see the houses next door....roof chimney in centre and roof sky lights either side; three on one side and two on the other. You can also see the rest of the apple tree and the upper branches. Look and see how the water wraps itself all around the bud and hangs there.


  1. Chuckeroon...this is gorgeous

  2. A very unusual photo. Who'd have thought there'd be so much in so little.

  3. fantastic couple of pictures Mr Chuckeroon. I've never seen a reflection in a droplet of water like this, and the close up, martian-like landscape, of the tree branch in the previous picture is equally amazing.

  4. Wow - this is so small but so powerful - i love it!!!
