Sunday, 21 February 2010

Champagne photography - # 02/10

In the world of optics the name of Carl Zeiss is legendary and stands for perfection.  Therefore, I'm not so sure what old Carl would make of this rendering from the Zeiss branded lens on my new Nokia 5800 camera phone.

I'd say that the colour rendering is good, but that the product lacks the excitement that comes when you meet a person or a object that has very clearly defined character traits that you can can "savour" in your mind and, if appropriate, by touch.

I love to speculate on the moment when the legendary monks discovered that they had invented champagne, and wonder what they thought about that moment of excitement.  Or did the first experiment turn out a bit like this effort from Zeiss via Nokia?

Anyway, for me it's a little like really good champagne, because this is the photo of my first "real" coffee, made exclusively by me, in the kitchen (my Zimmer Frame standing close by) to which I - sort of - walked.  It's also an early attempt to discover just where the benefits of the camera phone really lie.  (I think I know that already - even if they are a little bit "unclear").


  1. Zeiss and Zimmer. Well, there's a first. A blog post that mentions two inventive gentlemen both with a surname starting with Z.

    However, the kernel of this post is the blossoming self-sufficiency, isn't it. Very pleasing. Stuart. Now, for your next party trick, I wanna see a SS-made coffee with a creamed heart on top!

  2. @Julie........perceptive and relevant as ever. Tks for yr care and support.

  3. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
    Lao-tzu, The Way of Lao-tzu
    Chinese philosopher (604 BC - 531 BC)

    You're on your way!!

  4. Hey, Chuckeroon - you have been rather "irregular" lately - need some prunes and fruit juice? Welcome back! We've been missing your daily photos!

  5. Ton café à mes yeux ressemble plutôt à du bouillon de poule, mais bon c'est tout à fait reconstituant à tes yeux et c'est ce qui importe.
    Le remarque de Leif Hagen me rappelle une scène du film britannique "les Virtuoses" (Brassed Off) lorsque le chef de la fanfare reçoit une baguette de chef à l'hôpital et qu'il dit qu'il aurait pu se contenter de quelques raisins et d'oranges. Ce doit être un usage local.
    Tu n'es plus à l'hôpital tant mieux.
    Quant à la première gorgée de café, elle ne serait pas si bonne si tu ne te souvenais pas de toutes celles que tu as bues auparavant...
    Hauts les coeurs Chuckeroon ! Tu es sur la bonne voie ! Bientôt tu retourneras boire de la bière et manger un petit bout au pub !

  6. You can post about whatever you want, more or less good photos, more or less good coffee... as long as you show that you are making progress. Looking forward to share some champagne with you, whenever you are "ready"!

  7. Frankly, I'm jealous. I'm not allowed caffeine. This looks scrumptious to me. I hope you drank it with great gusto and that you get another cup tomorrow.

  8. Stuart this post is as good as it gets!

    Reading you I can feel the joy and sense of achievement you are experiencing and am so bloody pleased about it! This post rocks!!!

    (not overly impressed with the Nokia/Zeiss performance in this instance but who cares?)

  9. poems a great selection of poems related to london

  10. I don't drink coffee; but join you in a champagne breakfast... ;)

  11. I'm so sorry I'm just getting by here. Oh my, your spirit and sense of humor is still in tact even if you're a bit wobbly still. Love any photos you send our way. I'd love to crack open a bottle of the real stuff with you!

  12. PARDON, I meant intact. :)
