Monday, 1 February 2010

Structure of resilience

I knew i might find a use for this.

The Wellington bomber was noted for its extremely reliable structure which resisted collapse when attacked.

I am deeply moved by all your msges of support.  All will be addressed, but pse give me  time.


  1. Welcome back :)
    And take your time.

  2. Welcome back, I've missed your blog.
    Gene in rainy California

  3. Yay!
    Back on your fingers again!
    So glad you are on the mend.
    Think of you often and imagine you propped up in bed strapped up like a mummy (would be so disappointed if you weren't!)

  4. G'day

    Welcome home!

    Yeah, the aluminium framework was bound with irish linen soaked with aircraft dope meaning that Wellingtons with huge areas of framework blown out returned from sorties when lesser types succumbed!

    No doubt it feels like you have gone a few rounds with The Little General yourself.

    Good to hear your voice


  5. You are back! Ra ra ra !!! I hope this photograph doesn't represent the metal in your body!

  6. Gimme a C, gimme an H, gimme a U.....well you get the idea. How terrific to find you are more or less back with us. We have all had you in our thoughts and at least we can tell you "in person" now!! Resilience. That's what you need a big dose of now, right? Great to have you back C.

  7. So pleased to see you back! I take it as a very good sign! We may not see so many newly taken photos in the immediate future, but already to see you again in the blogsphere is a great pleasure! Now, take care!

  8. Well it's another day and I'm just checking on you S. Keep a stiff upper lip! :) Peter and I missed you when I was in Paris. Maybe next visit you will be up to snuff!! I'm so looking forward to having you along for a photo shoot. I can't imagine anything more fun than all of us together. Maybe we'll gather more??? Hurry and mend.


  9. Cette structure en effet a l'air drôlement solide, et légère, et souple en même temps. Une image de toi une fois "réparé" ? Serais tu devenu un homme "bionique" ?
    Prends ton temps bien entendu, en espérant que tu le consacres à des choses agréables et que tu penses, un peu, de temps en temps, à tes amis virtuels et que tu envisages de poster une nouvelle photo...

  10. Ha ha - it's now holding you together! Glad to see your sense of humour wasn't dented!

    All the best

  11. Just saw this today -- it's so good to know you are at least somewhat up and about!

  12. C,
    I'm just fussing over you and wondering how it's going. I know it must be soooo very slow and such hard work. Keep at it. We're all hoping for your swift return to us.

  13. I know about trauma induced by living in a mess! Tell us all how your assessment went when you are able ...

    Aussie kindness is often palpable if it's from me an' Letty ...

  14. The photo is a great metaphor for your own resilence! Hope that you continue to mend with little or no pain. Get better!

  15. Wow! Great to see you back!!
