Thursday 9 April 2009

Clear signs of Spring 4b - # 09/47

A big change of mood, but only tiny changes in time. This image was taken a few moments before yesterday's. In that time the rapidly moving grey clouds (building up on the right) swept across and inspired me to convert the second image into the dramatic B&W event you saw yesterday in # 09/46. I could not have achieved the same effect using this sparkling record of a delightful Spring day.


  1. Interesting...this doesn't seem like the same place as yesterday!

  2. This reminds me of something my mum used to say - 'all over the place, like a mad woman's breakfast'.
    I'm not quite sure what that is actually SUPPOSED to mean - but it reminds me of the arms on those trees.
    Or like Jonesy in Dad's Army - 'don't panic! don't panic!
