Monday, 27 August 2007

Ham Pond and Gordon House in fog - # 210

This view of the mid 18th Century "Gordon House" across Ham Pond is wonderful in any light.

To capture the colours of the water plants in the foreground I used a small amount of reduced power flash. The film sensitivity was set at 400 ISO, and the camera (on auto) fired at 125th/sec.

It's by no means a perfect shot, but I'm still pleased with the result of my efforts to make something of the scene.


  1. Am able to catch up this afternoon on some blogs that I enjoy but have missed - including yours.

    I am so impressed with these stunning photos. The light is perfectly captured!!! Fog is difficult to get but you have nailed it!!!! Well done!!!

    Thanks for visitng Rabaul - and yes it is the volcano. It's a bit like the Eiffel Tower when you are in Paris - every picture seems to have it in it!! Have you seen my earlier posts with the volcano photos? If you go into my other blog Extra Photos there is a good one of it "going off" last year.

    Cheers from the tropics!!!

  2. Hello. Nice shot of the Gordon House. I wonder if these are the same Gordon family that the founder of our village was named. They came by covered wagon, more or less, from Massasachusetts to Ohio and settled on a farm they purchased for several hundred dollars. Their name was Gordon. I am betting they are kin.

  3. I believe you have all reasons to be satisfied with this shot!!!

  4. What a gorgeous picture! I wish we had fog like this every day, if this is how it photographs. :) I like the way you got the pink flowers on the left to pop so clearly--it's a great contrast to the foggy background.

  5. I like the way the flash thing turned out; I would be pleased as well.

    We've had cloudy and dull mornings, but the afternoons have been dazzling.

  6. I think you did a great job! We can indeed see the colors of the flowers but still get the foggy lake in the background.
