Friday 17 August 2007

What became of the little red shoes? - # 201

To his credit, Richard has reminded me (in a comment on yesterday's post) that we should be seeing the little red driving shoes of the motor racing heroin. They were tucked away in a glass cabinet and my photographic imagination failed snap!

All I can ask you to do is cast your mind back to 1907 with the winning little Asian style cupola of the original club house and then rocket forward 100 years to the brand new Mercedes Benz World that has arisen alongside the old buildings.

The "Spirit of Brooklands" lives on.............and we can be sure that the "little red shoes" will be forever popular, regardless of whose feet they are on. Thank heavens for that, because without them the stainless steel and glass is deadly dull!

1 comment:

  1. The news last night mentioned that Mercedes Benz cars flunked the side safety tests. That surprised me/
