Friday, 15 May 2009

The world turned upside-down- # 09/65

One couldn't be further away from the sunshine of Menton than down around my favourite "mysterious pond" in Richmond Park. I've featured it several times and it is never the same. It is always highly evocative.

Those craving another look at my meeting with other PhotoBloggers during a week-end in the lovely town of Menton on the Cote d'Azur should click on the side bar links over on the right hand side and see Avignon in Photos by Nathalie, Menton and Monte Carlo by Jilly and Peter's Paris. Richard from Zurich also added his own special ingredients to the meeting.


  1. That's a pretty interesting reflection. It's very confusing. I like it. Have a nice weekend!

    Buenos Aires Photo

  2. It looks like a painting

  3. This is stunning, Chuckeroon. Evocative is a good word. Now that you know where my computer is situated you can picture me, trying to look at this the other way up...

    The reflection is absolutely gorgeous - beautiful strong old trees. Lovely atmosphere in the photograph.

  4. I completely agree with Jilly. These big upside-down trees are stunning in their uprooted yet reflective posture.

  5. You know what? THey look like elephant legs.
