Sunday, 7 June 2009

Richmond roofline 3- # 09/83

Enormous quantities of rain are coming into Britain from America and from France. Globe Trotter of Portugal and Peter of Paris seem to be using this as an opportunity to tweak my nose about B&W images and clouds. Hey, Chaps! It's You and the Others; not Me!

Anyway. This picture was done in colour, but looked as if it was natural B&W - not a "hue" to be seen - so I tweaked it a bit with some yellow and orange tonal adjustments in the "greyscale". I suppose that now Jilly in Menton and Richard in Zurich will grumble about some aesthetic and technical points, and say they don't like it: and Nathalie in Avignon will just smile.

But you must agree: the bricklayers did a fine job.


  1. Clever of you to take the wind out of their sails... nice picture...

  2. Aren't those wooden 'things' interesting - ie the steeple-like structure and more importantly, the lower part that would probably block a little light in the room. Very strange decoration. I don't dislike it, I just find it peculiar.

    As for the treatment of the photograph, would I dare say anything?

  3. Not just the bricklayers....

    I like when architectural detail is fun, but also in the pursuit of it's function. That's the problem with so called postmodernism. There, decoration is like so much ticky-tack. Look here for example at the way the window sills and tiled surrounds do their job but complement the whole. And that inverted vaulting is wonderful

  4. Il est vrai qu'il fait qu'il fait un temps épouvantable, mais si non, s'il ne pleuvait pas au printemps nous finirions par habiter un désert.
    Et que dira donc Cergie sur cette image ?
    Alors rien.... Tu ne sauras pas ce que j'aurais pu dire.
