Wednesday, 11 April 2007

The cafes of Richmond 7 - # 74

Fortunately, there is a Starbuck's immediately next door to the Russell and Bromley shoe shop. How convenient!!!..............and they have wi-fi.


  1. Your photograph makes sense now that I clicked on and looked at the large view. The orange thing with the name Russell and Brom... was mistaken, by me, for a kind of awning on a shop in a mall. When I clicked on the photo I was able to see it is a box. It is a nice photograph.

  2. Hi there! Guess you have been busying shopping. The shops in Richmond look very nice and exclusive. Guess they are kind of similar to the lavish shops we have in my UK town of Cheltenham. Greetings from Toruń DP, glad you like my cultural insights into Poland!

  3. I LIke the composition a lot. Isn't russel and bromley a shoe shop?
