Saturday 1 August 2009

The Sentinel - # 09/113

Much dithering over colour or B&W, but I think the colour does it better. The tones seemed to be too much "dark or light" with not enough of that nice gentle grey in the middle.

Here is another variation of the view across the pond at Ham Common, looking due south. The Egyptian goose is guarding his brood of no less than 9 goslings. Mrs (or Mr?) Goose seems to have disappeared. I hope that it has not fallen victim to a passing car, or perhaps a fox. Yesterday's little chapel sits immediately behind the camera. Just swivel the camera round and you get yet another nice photo.

(Sorry about the weird sky, but that's how it is these days).


  1. I'm learning something every day. Yesterday it was Van Gogh and today that father geese look after their young. Well that's good news.

    This is one of those idyllic scenes where you sit down on the bank and hopefully forget your troubles.

    And definitely colour, Chuckeroon.

  2. @Jilly...yes they do. In Spring Mrs Goose was killed by a car and Father brought the hatchlings to maturity all by himself. This is another hatch of 9 achieved this Summer. I do not know whether it is the same Father, or a totally new familly.

  3. Oh, the little babies are so cute! I like that purplish stuff growing on the banks, too. It looks like you had an enjoyable time out and about. Now I have to go and find out about Van Gogh.

  4. Des deux photos d'étang c'est celle-ci que je préfère car j'ai l'impression d'être entrée dans le tableau.
    Le ciel étrange a des couleurs que toi seul (et Richmont ?) possède ; il rappelle les fleurs (dont le nom m'échappe pour le moment) et les yeux d'améthyste de Liz Taylor.
