Thursday 24 November 2011

String of Pearls - # 142/2011

Not the finest macro shot in the world (hand held and the camera waving about all over the place) but nevertheless very, very nice indeed.

The recent heavy fog covered Europe from England across to Norway and all the way down over France and Germany to Vienna, Austria.  That's a very big cloud of fog - which is an excellent metaphore for the fumblings of European politicians failing to manage the Euro-crisis.

Unlike the efforts of Sarkozy and Merkel this string on the spider's web hangs together extremely well and does not unravel within milliseconds of the next (bad) decision being taken.  

Saturday 19 November 2011

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Thames at Richmond - # 140/2011

No "big deals" here, but it's time to re-visit the usual scenes and show them as they are right now on certain days in November.

This is the time of very low tides and the river is almost totally "switched off" by the closure of Teddington Weir to allow inspection and maintenance.  So the low water is both natural and also managed by modern man.

Here's the view of the Thames opposite Petersham Meadows.  The Sun is brilliant but there is that noticeable and delightful mistiness in the atmosphere that adds something to a photograph.  It's just a snap, but it sums up why the area has been loved and appreciated by poets and painters for hundreds of years. 

Sunday 13 November 2011

Bath - Pultney Bridge - # 139/2011

A short trip to Bath this week supporting club members presenting their panels to gain Licentiate of Royal Photographic Society distinction.  All three gained the Licentiate.

I took this night shot of the Pultney Bridge in Bath which, as many of you will know, is famous for its hot water springs enjoyed by the Romans:,_Somerset

Saturday 12 November 2011

Camolflage lesson - # 138/2011

Nothing posted for a week: busy etc.

Yesterday I snatched a chance to walk deeper into one of the more densely wooded areas of Richmond Park to see who was hiding there.

The rut is over, and the stags are once again gathered in peaceful groups of "All Boys together".  Fighting? What? Us? Never! We're mates!

I almost walked past this quiet group hunkered down in the bracken, their antlers looking exactly like the fallen tree branches, and their coats the same colour as the Autumn vegetation.   

Thursday 3 November 2011

After the rain in London - # 137/2011

This one looks rather good in B&W but the colours are so attractive I decided to stay with colour.

We've jumped back from Richmond and Twickenham in November, and are revisiting Central London in August.  The weather is (it seems to me) a bit better now than it was then - well sort of, plus a few "Ah, well, Yes, if that's what you want to says" thrown in.

Anyway; a nice touristical snap showing from right to left, the Ministry of Defence, Old Scotland Yard (the Police HQ before they built New Scotland Yard) the new parliamentary office buildings and then of course Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament themselves. 

The wide angle lens has given it all a bit of a curve, but who cares!

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Mud, mud......- # 136/2011

It's the season of very low tides again, and soon the Thames will be "switched off" by closing Teddington Lock.  The Annual Draw Down will allow inspection of banks and boats and no doubt will yield the usual haul of discarded firearms and other ammazing finds other than engineering "issues" for the city's engineering department.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

More London - # 135/2011

In stark contrast to yesterday's image of quiet Twickenham we have this view of the modern architecture in the new development called More London close to Tower Bridge, in the centre of London.