Tuesday 26 February 2013

The photoshoot - it's an illusion

Can't remember whether or not I've shown this before. It sums up for me the illusory nature of photography - the glamour isn't glamourous, it's hard work, it needs a lot of work after the event and it's always selective, and often things are not what they seem.

I used this image as a "key stone" within 10 images in a recent exhibit.

....and by the way; thanks to those who have kindly left some remarks on the recent posts. These are greatly appreciated.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Just looking............

Walking around London and just experimenting with the shapes formed by the new city blocks.

Sunday 17 February 2013

It's pretty up North

Behind yesterday's rough, tough motor workshop you will find this rather nice piece of city dereliction.

Thursday 14 February 2013

It's lovely up North

"It's grim up North" is a phrase well known to softies who live in the South of England.

The other day I took a not-very-productive photo walk around North London (which is still "South": the North of England being a terrifying place where barbarians are rumoured to live. Of course, I am joking. Some of my best friends are Northerners).

The photography wasn't successful because my "creative eye" wasn't functioning well.

But I couldn't resist this scene.  I took several photos inside and around but failed to capture the essence I wanted, so I've ended up with this simple record snap of "the essence of North London". I love these places. An oily, really run down place with a couple of blokes working magic on motors. They were great chaps, welcoming us in and having a laugh about photographers.

Letty in Oz (a good cyber mate) has been bugging me to start posting again. She's right. I should be taking more pictures and showing them, but the weather has been awful for months (note the typical flat grey featureless sky that "climate change" is casting across London for many days of the year) and my attention has been diverted elsewhere. I will try harder, Letty.