Tuesday 22 December 2009

Pause in service

Hello, this is Christopher, Stuart's son.

The Richmond upon Thames Daily Photo blog will be taking a short break.

My father had a nasty fall yesterday, slipping on some black ice. He will be in hospital for a while and then home for lots of rest and physiotherapy for a broken shoulder, hip and femur.

I know that he enjoys all the support and encouragement he gets from those of you who follow his blog.

If you feel like leaving some words of support, please do so - he will read them as soon as he is back online!


Sunday 20 December 2009

Tribute to L.S. Lowry - # 09/166

The painter L.S. Lowery delighted us all with his clever primitive-style paintings of people rushing rushing about in bleak industrial cities of the North of England.

The other day I noticed this crowd of shoppers on their way back to the multi-storey car park laden with bags, and I immediately thought of Lowery.

Friday 18 December 2009

When we walked on streets of gold - # 09/165

And do you remember when we walked on streets of gold?

Out late last night to photograph the party season crowd milling around the night club area.  The severe weather warning came true and left Trevor and me slaving over a freezing cold camera seeking sites that were a bit sheltered from the icey blast.  The car traffic was down to a miserable trickle and the bouncers were cowering in the entry doors.  Trevor struggled to keep the umbrella in a position where it shielded the lens, stayed out of shot, and was not at an angle that allowed the wind to catch it and whip it away.  Just remember one thing..........night shots are fun.  (Note and afterthought: wives were a bit quiet and unwelcoming when we finally got home. Must get to the bottom of that.)

Camera: Olympus E3. Fully Manual settings. ISO 100 f11.0 Shutter various around 3.5 to 10.0 secs.  Lens Olympus 14mm - 35mm f2.0.  White balance auto, tweaked later to slightly enhance blue and gold.  The B&W version lacks impact, so chose colour. 

Tuesday 15 December 2009

The British Grenadier - # 09/164

Two young Grenadiers in the helicopter returning from a gruelling tour in Helmand.

This photo was taken by Cpt Alexander Allan, Grenadier Guards.  He will not mind my showing it and mentioning my profound support and respect for these men.

I bought this copy as a contribution in support for the British soldiers wounded in this campaign.  Cpt Allan has now published a book of photographs.

On 29 October 2009, Third Millennium Publishing, launched  "Afghanistan: A Tour of Duty", the very first book of its kind, which reveals a remarkable photographic portrait of the Afghanistan campaign, taken by the former Grenadier Guards officer operating from the front line in the Helmand province. All profits from the book will be donated by Third Millennium to BLESMA (British Limbless Ex Service Men’s Association).

Monday 7 December 2009

Study - # 09/163

Me experimenting and studying depth of field effects with lens set on f 2.0 aperture.

Friday 4 December 2009

Done and dusted - Baroque style - # 09/162

The toil of the last couple of weeks is done, and the great baroque house (1610) by the Thames is illuminated and decorated,  ready for its Christmas programme.  The Emperors around the wall seem to look satisfied with the treatment we've given them.

Here's a quick shot of the finished result, lights on for testing the effect, and last a minute check for correct alignment of the spot lamps, early this evening. Guests for the first evening programme will soon arrive.