Thursday 30 December 2010

Muscat Moments 3 - # 117/10

I get the feeling that Oman might be a bird watcher's delight.  I don't know the name of this bird, but there are lots around.  They have an attractive song and flocks congregate where cafe terraces and hotel buffets provide plenty of scraps from the tables. This is a lively, good looking, attractive bird. Its feathers subtley change colour as they move across the body and this makes them very pleasant, welcome neighbours that please the eye, and a good subject for the wild life photographer - which I am not.


  1. In Oz this is known as an 'Indian Mynah' and it is a scavenger - neither a honey-eater nor a carnivore. But both. We also have a 'Noisy Minor' which is a totally different kettle of fish - to speak. The NM is offensive, and shoos off gentler, less predatory birds, like the sparrow. The Indian Mynah, has nothing to recommend it, or anything much to be wary of.

    You needed to know all this ...

  2. @Julie....Yes, quite so. Here I saw no conflicts. The sparrows and the Mynahs (if this is it) were not in competition. Clearly a "scavenger" and capable of aggression, but I never saw any. Perhaps the Omani Mynah is on Prozac, rather like your cricket team these days. That's a "sledge". ;-)

  3. Here in Australia, we don't mention the cricket these days ... that's an acknowledgement that we are shite ...

  4. awwww
    i love the fact that it's all "clear and neat" behind the bird :)

  5. That eye is extraodinary. We have a Mynah bird in a cage in an antique place in Menton. I'll show you when you come to stay.Much better in the wild of course.
