Wednesday 12 October 2011

Richmond Palace 1501 - # 123/2011

At long last I'm feeling like getting out a about again, fit enough to walk about more and carry the dreaded "heavy camera". I can take very nice photos with the "little camera", but the "big one" gives me more exercise.

So it's time to get back to trying to show some more of Richmond and try it in B&W. Here's Richmond Palace - it's very old...............but not much of it is left: .

I chose this shot because it's got a figure in it.  Nobody came along when I was taking some slightly better angles, and although I don't "do" people I felt that the archway needed a figure. These days the acursed car cannot be avoided and is too hard to clone out.

Be warned - more B&Ws (as opposed to BMWs) are on the way.


  1. It looks like there was another open walkway at one time. I have the same problem with modern objects when I am photographing historical reenactments.

  2. Hey!
    I followed the link to read about Richmond Palace, and that car is the same car in the last photo on wiki (I'm not quite sure why I find this so fascinating).

    One of the surviving buildings - the Trumpets' House???
