Friday 14 December 2007

It's not all grey - # 322

.....and it's never all Black & White either, although adding "colour" to embellish a scene is a serious crime generally committed by the ruthless English newspaper press who will tear down anything that attracts attention.

Anyway; following that "purple passage" let me say that I liked the play of sunlight bursting through a gateway to illuminate these 17th C court yard cobbles at Ham House. It looked good in colour but I felt it was even nicer in B&W with just a tiny scrap of enhanced shadow.


  1. I'm enjoying looking at antiquity with the various sizes and shapes.

  2. I bet they are not original cobbles. I expect they were replaced in the 19th century.

  3. HA! I don't cook, don't you know?!?! :-) That's why I have to eat out every day.

    I received a letter from the gas company a couple months ago. It says my gas usage is nil so they wanted to know if I wasn't using the oven or if the meter recording the gas is broken.

  4. Wow - i so love this - as usual your eye for detail has resulted in a fabulous shot !!

  5. Love the combination of bricks and peddles and tiles. super. Like a work of art really. Nice in black and white too.

  6. Nice abstract with the three contrasting textures. Good B+W subject
