Monday 24 December 2007

Under pressure - # 332

A quick snap of my local butcher, Trevor, taken at 08.00 this morning before the rush of customers coming to collect their Christmas turkey and goose. He's already spent days working hard, hand-preparing everything using his traditional craft skills. He's a "one man band", with very little help available.

Small shops are under pressure from the supermarkets, and it's hard to argue against the relentless logic of modern urban economies and life styles.

Trevor's shop is one of few old style local butchers still remaining. Perhaps, when he retires, the shop (a purpose built butcher's shop with some racking and hanging equipment from the 1930s still in use) will close for ever. I hope that the new awareness of the value and role of small traders and "local shops" may lead to a re-evaluation of these businesses. Without the smaller shopping parades our town-scapes will become bleaker and sadder places.


  1. Season's greetings to you, 'roony!

    "logic of modern urban economies" Makes me think of a piece I recently read about steel plants that have been relocated (quite literally in some instances) to China from Germany, so while DE can boast cleaner air, one estimate put the pollution per unit of steel at 3x what it was before the outsourcing.

  2. I have never had a Christmas goose before but one year, I had roasted turnips, which I was told is a very typical Christmas dish.

    Glad to see the smaller shops surviving. I try to shop locally even if it is a chain store in the neighborhood.

  3. I hope when he decides to get out of the business, someone else will step in to fill his shoes. Meat from a meat market is so much better than that sold in ordinary grocery stores.

    Merry Christmas!

  4. I fully agree with what you say. I see the likes of Tesco, as public enemy number one. They arrive, take over and kill everything surrounding it.

    Thanks for visiting my site and leaving comments.

    Have a great Christmas & brilliant 2008. Visit my page to see one of the world's best rock singers.

  5. Great post. Fortuntately here the butcher's shop continues to thrive....long may they (and fruit and veg, and bakers etc) reign!

    Festive greetings of the season, whatever the festival or season means for you! I don’t get much time these days to visit and leave comments for all my bloggy friends…but love catching up with pics when I can.

  6. Oh yes, long live the old specialist shops. This one looks just the ticket.

    May you and your family have a wonderful Christmas, Chuckeroon - and thankyou so much for advice and help over the year and your many comments. I appreciate it so much.

  7. Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you and your family! May harmony and prosperity accompany you in the course of coming 2008, and let's leave all the worries in outgoing year!

    Thank you for visiting my blog and supporting me with your comments!
