Wednesday 2 July 2008

It could be anywhere, couldn't it? - # 08/152


  1. oooh ... very Dickensian.

    So tell us the story of the image: how did you set it up in your head; what sort of post-processing did the image go through. Am I looking at sun or moon? The glinting off the water does wonders for the perspective. Tell me more, please.

    Also, go and have a look at this person

  2. Yes, it could be anywhere but that matters not. It's a very beautiful image in any language.

  3. @Julie...hmmm, if I must. This is a sunset converted to B&W, but in fact it was already almost totally sepia. Richmond offers fine sunsets (which inspired Turner to take up painting - look at my earlier series covering Brentford taken in the Spring/late winter).

    The many groups of various boat types offer good material. I seem to remember reducing the exposure by -2.0 EVs. The camera is at aperture priority at f7.1 to guarantee depth of field and light control etc. The lens is equivalent to 28mm-70mm set to 70mm. ISO and shutter were auto.

    What's in my head? It's an easy opportunity to grab a sentimental i.e. contrived, image for the salon. It is also (a failed) attempt to catch something in the ripples which was genuinely very attractive.

    It is overall unsuccessful because it did not capture my feelings about the scene. But it seems to have peased that makes it successful in another way.

  4. Quite a moody shot. A popular choice.

  5. This is what I love about art, including photography - the artist may set out to convey a particular message, and the viewer may interpret a very different message. See, I look at this and think "orient" even though I know it's Richmond.

  6. A wise choice to switch to black and white, it makes the light reflection on the water really stand out. Absolutely fantastic pic, Chuckeroon.

  7. Could be anywhere..... but that gondola looks a bit out of place (not compositionally, of course, where it is 100% vital)

  8. Yes, romantic corner are everywhere.
