Saturday 26 July 2008

Well, Hallo!- # 08/174

It's not often that the deer in Richmond Park positively stop and pose for you. This one let me come to within about 4 meters and then actually stood and chatted to me about 3 minutes, before politely nodding and gently turning away to re-join his group.


  1. They are a magnificent set of antlers! He does look as though he was giving you a mouthful about something. He was probably just letting you know which was his best side ...

  2. I do like chatting with wild animals.
    Most converstaions are preferable to the human kind. They are positevly much more photogentic too, as this beautiful portrait proves.

  3. That is great. I see many Roe Deer where I live, but they would never walk up to me.

  4. Obviously he had something important to convey to you. I hope you got it!
    :^). Such a sweet creature and a pleasure to view this close.
    Seattle Daily Photo

  5. Lokks like he's even smiling!!
