Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Hand made boats made of wood availaible here - # 08/159

The boat builders who inhabit the arches under and around Richmond Bridge are alive and well.

I can never resist snapping this Aladdin's Cave whenever the door is open.


  1. Beautiful shot of a skill that is not so wide spread as it once was. I got a model ship built like this. He was a farmer and built boats (cabin cruisers) for people on the Great Lakes.

    Patty and I will be celebrating 53 years of marriage on July 12th. Think of it as a long-term relationship.

    I have invited bloggers to offer suggestions on a gift for me to give Patty and the list would not be complete without your ideas.

    Abraham Lincoln
    Brookville Daily Photo

  2. How fabulous. I love people who are passionate about what they do. To build a wooden boat, you've have to have passion.

  3. Je dirais "caverne d'Ali Baba", et tu es Shéhérazade qui nous raconte le conte de Simbad le marin...
    Dans cet atelier, chaque chose semble à sa place, comme dans un navire où la moindre chose doit être calé, le moindre élément emporté pesé : cela fait du poids parfois superflu, et parfois par contre cela manque.

    Le menuisier n'a pas un sens aigu du "level". Il y en a partout, dans tous les sens. Il est sous un pont pour ne pas perdre de place (un "pont de navire", c'est le même mot en français)

    (La lumière de coté fait chanter le bois blond)

  4. Wood and rope - my two favourite materials. This is a wonderful image with such warm tones. I suspect the smell of the room would be most welcoming ...
