Thursday 19 July 2007

A tiny garden among the cracks - # 173

I'm gaining in my appreciation of wild flowers. Here is a close-up of a tiny garden developing in the cracks between the patio stones. I think I'll leave it for a while to see how it turns out.


  1. Fantastic picture. I believe there is much to be said for allowing nature to infringe on the straight lines and clean spaces created by man.

    As an aside, I wonder if there is any evolutionary reason for humans finding great beauty in nature...for one, it sure helps in motivating us to sustain plant/animal life around the world...I wonder if this is a lucky coincidence.

  2. There's a poem by William Carlos Williams “A Sort of a Song"; the final lines are "Saxifrage is my flower that splits / the rocks".

    You can find it on

  3. I have been away for some ten days and have a lot of blogs and posts to watch. I can see that you have changed subject(s).
    Any news from Karl, back in Germany?

  4. It is a nice photo of struggling life. I hope it makes it.

    Abraham Lincoln
    Brookville Daily Photo
