Saturday 15 November 2008

Sunset, Richmond upon Thames - # 08/267

Every 90 seconds a plane lands at Heathrow (LHR). It was there, so I leave it there. No Photoshop for me.

Late evening produces a dramatic sunset over the river Thames. The railway bridge is just visible in the background.


  1. Where ... where ... ooh ... there!

    This is gorgeous, 'Roon. Would they be kegs in the foreground? Surely not!

  2. Fantastic light! Great shot.

  3. What a glorious sunset! I like how you framed this, and even the tiny plane adds a pretty touch to the image.

  4. This is really a fantastic shot! (... at least in my mind; let's see what Richard may say!) :-)

    The planes are part of the landscape today. At least at that distance they don't disturb!

  5. Tu as beau être un homme (nobody is perfect) et habiter de l'autre coté du Channel, il me semble que nous vivons la même vie : hier je longeais l'aéroport Charles de Gaulle et regardais les gros porteurs me survoler. Hier encore, je regardais de la dentelle que ma grand'mère avait dans une petite boîte. Dentelle délicate faite à la main. Hier j'étais dans une maison aux vieux meubles aux housses sur les fauteuils que j'ai enfin réussi à vider
    Et aujourd'hui je voulais poster un arbre du bout du monde (Californie) qui pousse à Cergy et que j'aime regarder évoluer en saisons : le Chinese Pistachio (Pistacia chinensis).

    Tu as ici une photo tout en ors et dentelles....

  6. There is a phantastic light above the river.

  7. I was so mesmerised by the light I didn't even notice the plane. A beautiful photograph. When I increase the size= and then it's evenmore beautiful - I notice vertical lines in the clouds - what are they - rain?

  8. The light is incredible! Great great great shot!

  9. ...but I also like the composition with the foreground that hides the sun! Bravissimo!

  10. The light is incredible and it is beautifully framed anda many layered imgae.

  11. Good for you! Leave PhotoShop alone and just let your photo stand on its own. It has VERY strong legs, and is a grand photo.
