Monday 3 November 2008

The weir at Teddington Lock - # 08/258

Straight, curved. Vertical, horizontal. Solid, fluid. Hard, soft. Static, moving. Fast, slow. Agitated, calm. Natural, man-made. Wild, tame. Dangerous, safe. Uncontrolled, controlled. Ordered, chaotic. Animal.


  1. Great photo! and the text as well.

  2. Superb shot. Black and white works beautifully.

  3. For me the text makes this post! Yep, it is a really good shot in B&W - but the text gives it legs.

    We have been discussing where our next holiday should be. We met a couple at Heathrow (who had also been locked out of their SYD connection!) who used to own a narrowboat. They swore that the canals in England beat hands-down any canal in France and the canals in Italy simply do not pass muster. At the moment this is top of the list together with Kruger in RSA.

  4. Love this. Works really well in B&W

  5. Love the depth of this photograph. And I adore all those words. Nice one!

  6. This weir is a work of art. As is your prose.

  7. Well-said...with photo and with words. I like the choice to put this in b/w. I think it adds dimensions we wouldn't otherwise have noticed.

  8. Just found your blog and am really enjoying your insights and photos.

    I work in Teddington and often go running at lunchtime on the trail that goes along the lock (on the Richmond side), and I always marvel at this scene. V. pleased to see it captured so thoughtfully and well.
