Wednesday 5 November 2008

Travelling through - # 08/260

It's always nice to have friends drop in.

A month ago Julie from came to Richmond upon Thames and we were able to show her "The View" from Richmond Hill. Four "narrow boats" (standard British Gauge canal barges - narrow because our canals were mostly completed by 1810) put on a show for her and a "Turneresque" sunset played itself out in the west as a violent-looking storm cloud approached from the east and north behind us.

Any CDP blogger passing this way is always welcome to drop in.


  1. An absolutely beautiful photo!

  2. Oh my goodness me! That's just fabulous. Julie brought you photo karma I think.

  3. Turneresque indeed! And those boats performed nicely for your shot.
    About the weather.... Surely you know the rains will stop and the sun will come out the moment I touch my toes on French soil!!! IF it rains, I will just have to be a "bar fly"! :)

  4. It was a wonderful visit and this view was breath-taking.

  5. Breath-taking view and shot. And thank you for the very kind invitation! I will keep that in mind.

  6. looks like some movie scene~~~ beautiful

  7. Le lit* de cette rivière est paresseux, c'est pourquoi elle fait une boucle
    J'aime la boucle de la Sarre en Allemagne, les méandres des rivières offrent de très belles vues et permettent de belles images, surtout au couchant.

    *Ta remarque m'a fait rire, je me suis demandé comment traduire "sortir de son lit" et je me suis souvenu d'une autre expression française : "être du deuxième lit". Nous en avions discutté justement avec nos amis californiens recemment venus chez nous.
    Du deuxième mariage, donc. Mais cela ne se dit pas en anglais.

  8. Beautilful and peaceful (despite the clouds)! Sometimes difficult to imagine how close to London you are!

  9. What a wonderful view. I didn't know that there are hills like that around Richmond. Great. (It's difficult to comment here now ... I'll try again)
    Ingrdi from Cologne

  10. I'm a bit like a traveller, who, weary from the tramping of foreign lands, the passages on steam packets and the nights on railroads finaly finds his way back to the comfortable views of birkett-foster and his fellow Victorian watercolourists

  11. .. no, NOT birket-foster, excuse me, but a much better artist whose name eludes me at the moment

  12. Turneresque Sky it is. Canals have a strange fascination for me, being originally from Brum. This image though definitely far prettier than brum
