Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Superficial affluence - # 08/288

Photo from a country currently at war. I could add a few other things but that'll do for now.


  1. A devastating combination of image and text, 'roon. Christmas throws me into a pink-funk, too - with its artificiality and its absolute need to skate over the top of everything!

    However, your image is brilliant. There are so many different types of lights in the picture, and the depth of the field you had to encompass ...

    I really appreciate the directness of your text.

  2. great pic... shame you had to go to Kingston to see community seasonal lights... sadly missing from Richmond in any serious fashion

  3. Too true, Tony. Richmond seems to have gone "uber-minimalist" - or can we call it something else? Notwithstanding my msge here, the Richmond "no-show" is disappointing.

  4. Hard hitting text but unfortunately so true. I know Kingston well from my partner's University Days. The concept of war will fall upon deaf ears so long as there are pretty lights to view.

  5. Your text is food for thought as always. May we all have hope for a better world in this coming year.

  6. All dressed up and nowhere to go . . .

  7. Tough times, but we must perhaps try to keep our illusions - and illuminations? Nice illustration!

  8. Ecoute, je vais laisser tomber les réflexions philosophiques (il y a de quoi s'attrister à bien des points de vue) et ne pas bouder mon plaisir tout du moins d'admirer cette splendeur qu'est ta photo ! Sans illuminations, personnes dans la rue, et tout concourt à faire le spectacle que tu rends si bien, avec tant de légéreté, de précision : les lumières et la vie de la ville (j'aime bien ces guirlandes. Vous payez beaucoup d'impôt ? Qui finance ? Cela vaut un feu d'artifice, qui durerait tout le mois de décembre)

  9. Oh wow! That is a beautiful photo of Christmas decorations downtown.
