Monday 22 September 2008

Capturing September attempt # 21-019- # 08/225

As the quality of light and the angle of the sun change we see new lighting effects under the trees and the sparkle on the water and even the nature of the mud seems to change.

For other pictures of Pen Ponds in Richmond Park see Year 2007 # 4, 7, 339 & 354.

This is a typical example of how the eye handles contrasts in light and shade better than the camera. Fortunately the blue water is not too much over-exposed. Several attempts were necessary. I hope you enjoy the scene as much as I did at the time.


  1. Just love those roots by the water. What a beautiful place. Wonderful composition and love that dappled light. Heavenly place. Lovely photograph.

  2. A gorgeous view, portraying a peaceful calmness. Great shot.

  3. I'm glad you persevered, the shot you've ended up with is lovely.

    PS Thanks for the comment. Married life is still very lovely and agreeable thank you very much - I think I'll keep him!

  4. You are working a lot with capturing light at the moment. Is is opening my eyes, too. Here, there are a number of elements that are attractive to me: the tree roots, the framing of the autumn tree on the far bank, and the light on the mossy side of the leaning trees on the left. This latter is particularly fetching. Only by enlarging did I then see the person in stark white between the trees.

  5. You're right. I gave up trying to capture these pleasing lighting effects years ago. Same reason I stopped taking landscapes - you cannot capture the sense of being there, or at least I couldn't

  6. I have often walked beside rivers/lakes with camera in hand because I am fascinated by the same things -- water and the play of light. Thanks, it was a pleasure to visit Pen Ponds with you today.

  7. I saw your blog and found a piece of history your camera recorded. It is a blink, stopped dead-still, exposing a moment in time and the beauty you saw in a spot like this.

    Abraham Lincoln
    Brookville Daily Photo

  8. That looks like a nice September walk.
