Saturday 25 October 2008

Fruits of Autumn # 1 - # 08/251

The fungus.

Everyone has something to eat. The fungus is eating the fallen, rotting wood and returning the sugars to the soil. The animals are nibbling the fungus. I have friends who are experts and love foraging at this time, but on the whole, I think that mushroom hunting and understanding are lost wisdom in modern Britain.

That's one reason why it is nice to visit the Continent at this time, where the understanding of the mushroom is better exploited by cooks. What's better than wild boar, venison and forest fruits? The traditional winter cooking of Europe - so fortifying in cold weather - now comes into it's own. It's now clear that I'm not a vegetarian.


  1. Hi Roon, I see that you managed to upload the picture at the usual size; for some reason I'm not being able to do it. Blogger refuses to re-size pics from /s400/ to /s640/. Did you have any trouble to upload your fungi porcini? ;))

  2. Hi Chuckeroon - great snap!!! I adore fungi but would kill my entire family if i went foraging for it!!

    I can't get my photos bigger and have given up trying!!!

  3. Wow, fantastic! I love the autumn colours.

    I just found your blog through a link on Sofia Daily Photo's blog. I've added it to my Bloglines so I'll be back.

  4. Beautiful photograph. I've 'girolles' growing here - rather dangerous though, as I risk life and limb clambering over rocks, to get to them. I believe you can take any fungus into a pharmacy in France and they will identify it for you. It certainly used to be that way - not sure if it is still so.

    I posted on the CDP forum about the problems we are having with resizing photos. See you managed it - me too.

    Looks like someone or something has been eating your fungus.

  5. Are you going to (coming to) the Continent then?
