Friday 31 October 2008

The very edge of the weather - # 08/257

Mariners and those who live in wide open spaces may see this often, but it's rarer in the smaller more contained horizons around here. Looking up I was suddenly surprised to see this clear difference between the weather I was getting and what was being enjoyed not very far away.


  1. Cet effet est extraordianire en effet. De même que lorsque "le soleil a des pattes d'araignées", comme on dit en Bretagne.
    Ce phénomène demande des conditions météos particulières, d'humidité, de vent, qui créent en chassant égalemnt brume et nuages des différences surprenantes dans le ciel.
    Bravo d'avoir été, comme à ton habitude, tout simplement là. Pour partager cette réflexion avec nous en fixant à jamais ce moment fugace.

  2. In our broad expanses, I see more of this great divide. Quite wild and woolly to see ... today in Sydney reached the mid-30s whereas tomorrow will struggle to reach 20.

  3. ... and you cannot choose your side of the edge! (Yes, an incredibly sharp edge!)

  4. That is a fascinating shot. I don't know if I have ever seen just that. Good one!

  5. Yesterday I received the KREATIV BLOGGER award from Diederick at Aronaeveryday and consequenly have the right to nominate 6 further blogs for this award. It is with pleasure that I nominate you for a Kreativ Blogger Award. My 6 nominations are linked on my blog and there is a certificate that is yours should you wish to participate in this award. Your blog gives me pleasure and ideas and I appreciate and value your efforts.

  6. An image that I see often on the nature reserve behind the house, or the coast, but not such a gorgoeus liquid blue as this.

  7. You need to do a double-take at sights like that.
    Sydney Daily Photo

  8. Hi Roon! That's what they call a «cold front» giving up the territory... ;)) Great shot!
    Oh dear, poor deer... ;))
    Loved to see the self tortured; I knew a professor who died at the age of 91 and always said: «never entered a gym...»!
    Meanwhile Blogtrotter is strolling in Armenia. Hope you enjoy!
    Have a great week!
