Thursday, 11 October 2007

Autumn clean up - # 257

A gardener at Ham House works in the shadow of the huge chestnut trees in the brilliant autumn sunshine.

The original was in colour but I chose B&W to make the best of the shadows (and to reduce that nasty flair at the top left! Sorry about that.)


  1. G'day mate - am back in brisbane and back in the wilds of PNG on Sunday nite - Air No Going working!!! Great to read all your comments while I have been away - what loyal blogging mates I have!!!
    Only have a minute to catch up with a couple of people so must away!!!
    Jules xx

  2. I like this photo in black and white. I havn't seen chestnuts in awhile.

  3. A beautiful picture!
    It's been a while since I came to this blog, and I can see how much I missed.

    And thank you for visiting my blog and leaving comments! It supported me in my hard days.

  4. Well I always say that a photo needs flair, and this photo has flair, at least the commentary does. What it doesn't have is flare, which I'm missing top left. My type of photo, all said and done - who needs colour. The subject is the gardner,and if we had nice twee colourful leaves (e.g.) he would become a supporting actor--;)

  5. @Richard......Oh, wotever!!! Let's just blaze away ;-) Everything I do, I do for someone or other! BTW... Gill the gardener won't do anything for you now. You've really blown it.

    @Irina..tks. This shot is a little bit "Moscow" with it's tones and overall "softness". I do enjoy my daily Moscow.

  6. Hi Chuckeroon

    I have recently immigrated with my family and we have made Richmond our new husband came across your blog while finding info on Richmond...I was so impressed with your site,that I have begun my own...perhaps you could stop by some time...http://
    I think this picture is super... Well done!

  7. damn - had her lined up

  8. That is a lovely photo in black and white.

  9. I actually put a flair in a couple of my pictures a week or so ago, to fill an empty corner of the sky.

    --steve buser
    New Orleans Daily Photo

  10. Had a squint around the Ham House website. Could do with a few photos - why don't you volunteer?
    This one for example

  11. Those chestnut trees do contribute quite a bit to the walkways for gardeners to deal with--I've noticed the same thing on our nearby streets.

    And I agree with your comment about the Internet, Chuckaroon--it provides such a great way to share enjoyable moments. I'm having a blast sharing my photos with everyone!
