Thursday, 13 September 2007

Bar on the Titanic? - # 229

I had it in mind to talk about the creation of atmosphere, illusions, fantastically evocative and well crafted pictures of Florentine bankers/accountants, and Jack Vettriano.

But some days ago Richard at pointed out a wonky horizon. Since then I have become over-sensitised to this issue and have to admit that suddenly this photo, so evocative, so meaningful, so cleverly contrived, now makes me feel rather queasy.


  1. I like this. I don't think the camera always has to be parallel to the horizon. It should reflect the point of view. With most landscape shots we kind of expect the image to have been taken "standing up straight". However in shots like this, I think the angle can be whatever is appropriate. I don't see a problem with this shot. It has a low viewpoint again, so we don't associate it necessarily with a human viewpoint. Anyway, lying at an angle is quite common in pubs at around this time of the evening

  2. what happened to you talking about Jack Vettriano?

  3. There are no straight lines in Nature. So I wouldn't worry about the horizon in anything.

  4. I guess this horizantal discussion may somehow be referring to my remarks on Richard's photo yesterday - which he then straighten up?
    There is a clear reference to Richard's b&w photos here!

  5. Chuckeroon - Are you sure the "queasiness" isn't because you've been sitting at the bar too long????

    Just called in to say see ya mate - I am off on leave (in a couple of hours I fly out) to see my daughters and then we are all off to Vietnam.

    Even though I’ll be away I hope you can still pop in for a visit as I have been slaving over a hot computer putting a month of posts into drafts – I have blisters on my fingers. I have even got my October Theme day organized – how dedicated is that????

    There will be plenty to see but I won't be able to visit you until I get back.

    Be good while I am gone!!!
