Sunday 30 September 2007

Damp air, mud, puddles, dead leaves, reflections and moodiness- # 246

Well, as the old English saying goes: "Mustn't grumble". Or as Shakespeare wrote: "Nothing's so bad as thinking makes it so".

I hope that on the whole I'm going to give some pleasure with my "impressions of Autumn", even if yesterday's "nasty orange beermat" caused some upsets. I was very pleased until you all pointed it out to me. Now I'm all miserable, and left with a sense of failure where achievement once was.

Here is the edge of the "Heron's Pond" shown a couple of days ago. Some of it is reflection, and some is "below the surface" get your poetic and interpretive temperaments bent around that!


  1. Oh no, no, no! Not a feeling of failure, rather from now on, you'll think even more about framing and/or cropping.

    I don't think this nice photo would work in B+W. Here there's lovely orangey bits.

  2. Harrumph - well I'm going to disagree with Z. I think this would be much better in black and white! Again it's the orangey bits that are the problem. If they were striking as focal points of the image, maybe, but in colour they just make it wobble. What I really like about this are all the other contrasts. For example we have a nice range of tones (B+W speak) and at the left hand and bottom we have the thin grasses, nice light on dark, and these are balanced by the reflections top right. There is actually quite a lot of contrast between the floating leaves, light and the reflections in the water, soft and dark. Black and white would bring out the tonal contrast here, whereas we just see a less striking colour contrast in the current photo. Black and white would also concentrate our appreciation on the different types of textures and forms. Of course I'm not saying this is correct - just my opinion.

  3. That was how I felt last Wednesday morning when the heat and humidity made my commute to work almost unbearable and I felt overwhelmed with work deadlines coming at me from all directions. I felt like a puddle of mud, miserable, wet, icky, and unhappy.

  4. That was how I felt last Tuesday and Thursday. The weather was hot and humid, making my commute to work unbearable, and I was so overwhelmed with deadlines from work projects. Eck!!

  5. Came upon your site "accidentally" - enjoyed the photographs. Keep up the good work. I'll look in again.

  6. Well, I like it pretty much the way it is. If you'd decided to leave off some of that mud, though, I'd have like it that way, too. I only mention that because when I clicked on it to make the photo larger, it showed up with that great amount of mud towards the lower left not visible, unless I scrolled. Which I did and then it looked pretty awful with mostly mud visible. I'm not sure that's poetic or interpretive, just that it suits my temperment where mushy, brown mud is concerned. (You know I'm pulling your leg here, right?)

  7. Love it, the striking colourscape of Autumn is capture here - the sludge that our feet encounter as we walk about the land; the changing colours we are gifted by the trees. Very nice, and not nice, just like the season.

    : )
