Thursday 7 February 2008

The Baptismal Font and the Oil of Consecration -# 08/10

The tears of the Titan fall into the font and are transformed into the Oil of Consecration.

Giants, especially Super-Giants, must be approached circumspectly and with great reverence. So don't rush me!

The vision is gently consolidating. It will transform your soul.

Camera: Olympus C7070 WZ


  1. If god had meant aircraft to fly, he'd have given them huge cast iron pistons and cathedrals of steel to encompass it all....

  2. Nice photograph.

  3. Oh alright - no rush. I got it.
    But you are building up my expectations!

  4. So, for how long do we have to wait to see it in full - and in operation?

  5. Cette image est grandiose. Tu as su voir la beauté dans une si simple et si parfaite composition.
    Et cela me fait penser que les choses les plus belles et importantes ne sont pas forcément faites dans les matériaux les plus précieux :
    Peut-être as tu vu le film "Indiana Johns et la dernière croisade" avec Harrison Ford, où la coupe du Christ, le Saint Graal est une simple coupe de charpentier et non faite d'or et de pierreries

  6. @Cergie...perspicace, comme toujours. Yes I remember the Idiana Jones "Holy Grail". Good example.
