Saturday 16 June 2007

Don't bring your disgusting habits in here! - # 140

Karl Moritz series: episode 5

The coach is loading again ready to continue the journey towards Richmond.

Karl's eye is drawn to the Gum & Cigarette Bin placed at the entrance to the covered shopping mall that houses the large Underground railway and bus station interchange. On July 1st 2007 the ban on smoking in all enclosed spaces, including offices and workplaces will start.

Karl also pauses to contemplate the massive 1960s motorway flyover that carries tens of thousands of cars 24 hrs a day in and out of London. The speed, the noise and smell make his head spin. He plans to walk for most of his tour. This coach ride to Richmond is for fun.

He has already commented on the heavy road traffic, the general mobility, and the speed of 18th century England - "nobody walks!"


  1. Reminds me I have to empty my ashtray (just, after this cigarette).

    More genrelly: Yes, there are a few minuses, but also some pluses by living today rather than in the past. ... and what will be the comments to the Chuckeroon travelling in a few centuries?

  2. oh! interexsting there are bins only for cigarettes and gums!

    I've heard one packet of cigarettes costs about 6 euros in UK, that's a great point to give up smoking! (here one Lucky is 2.50 euro)

  3. They do look disgusting.

    Today I posted the Auction Barn.

  4. Oh my. Those cigarettes are powerful and the nicotine addictive. I am so thankful I quit smoking in 1996.

    Abraham Lincoln
    Brookville Daily Photo

  5. Can't chew gum in malls?

  6. Disgusting. That picture makes me appreciate Singapore a lot more - that country bans gum and imposes high taxes on cigarettes!
