Saturday 2 June 2007

Morris dancers - # 126

This is another sight, rare in Richmond, that I was lucky to catch a couple of weeks ago: Morris Dancers outside a pub on Richmond Green.

Don't laugh! This is very English, ancient, going back to pagan times, celebrating many ritual formalities from a time when man was in closer touch with the earth. Therefore it's important to keep it alive.

Two troupes were gathered. The Green and White are more usual; the "Black Faces and Red Coats" are less usual and look more sinister but very impressive, and had a different dancing style, though of course typical. No doubt they represented a different "force of nature".
Here you can see a typically decorated hat, snapped through the pub window.

The pictures are not very "artistic" or technically well executed - I was running low on battery and it was more important to capture an event that is now rarely seen around London and the suburbs.

Click on the photos to enlarge - it's worth it.


  1. I can't seem to leave comments here as when I click on comments I get a tuny page and only a part of it is shown. I think you must have tavs selected and not new window. Or something. I can't see what I am typing. It might also be Firefox but it doesn't do it on all blogs, just your blog and a few others.


    Today, I published a nest photograph and some details about its construction; and a link to some dead birds with an explanation. Oh; and thanks for coming to my blog and leaving comments. I do appreciate it.

    Abraham Lincoln
    Brookville Daily Photo
    My Photography

  2. I went to a (hippie) wedding upstate NY where the Morris Dances were the main entertainment (no black faces, mind you!).

    Enjoyed the barbershop addition - did you notice that the barber was in dire need of a haircut himself ;-)

  3. Funnily enough I've just come back from northern France where they had a cabaret of a French version of a Morris dancer and fabulous it was too. I've seen a great group from East Anglia too at a dog show. You see folk dancers (with many similarities) all over the world.

    No problems posting, Chuckeroon, although yesterday I had problems with one (can't remember which city now but I had to type the funny letters six times before it accepted them - kept telling me I'd typed them incorrectly and I hadn't. One time I had this problem with Abraham's blog. It'll probably clear itself.

  4. I returned to check it out a second time after your visit to my blog. And lo, it opened properly. In fact the whole page opened. I have no idea what happened. Maybe I should have rebooted earlier.


    Today, I published a nest photograph and some details about its construction; and a link to some dead birds with an explanation. Oh; and thanks for coming to my blog and leaving comments. I do appreciate it.

    Abraham Lincoln
    Brookville Daily Photo
    My Photography

  5. Morris has nothing to do with the car I suppose? I beleive it must be related to "moorish"? No ladies allowed? Related to old pub traditions?

  6. Thanks for answer and link given in a comment on my blog. It's interesting how you can be pushed to research and learning, when blogging. For me, that's the best part.

  7. Peter makes a good point, however one of the things I find frustrating is the difficulty of following threads when sometimes they leap back and forward between blogs, and sometimes stay in the originating posts.
    Back to Morrismen - they are usually good ale-men as well from my recollection

  8. The only Morris I knew were Austin Morris...! Thank you, Chuck, for your report!

  9. Have a look at this Google link where we find that Morris dancing may not be as "ancient and pagan" as I had always been lead to believe:,RNWE:2006-02,RNWE:en&q=morris+dancing+history
