Sunday 17 June 2007

It was ever thus: an essay on thieves - # 141

Karl Moritz's coach has moved off towards Chiswick on the road to Richmond.
The passengers inside the stage coach are trapped by a bore who starts of by sounding interesting and then becomes annoying. Do read the episode for yourself. Karl gives this man five paragraphs, and so, some unknown "know-all" Brit passes into history and becomes famous.
..."The man who was with us in the coach pointed out to us the country seats of the lords and great people by which we passed; and entertained us with all kind of stories of robberies which had been committed on travellers, hereabouts; so that the ladies at last began to be rather afraid; on which he began to stand up for the superior honour of the English robbers, when compared with the French: the former he said robbed only, the latter both robbed and murdered."............


  1. ... always this particular love of "frogs" by the British!

  2. I feel compelled to try to live up to that nice moniker you gave me. I see that the sign refers to Christmas presents. Old photo, or old sign? Also, so you're a proud resident of the "safest borough" in England?
