Thursday 15 November 2007

Soft! But see, how clothed....................- # 293

Soft! But see, how clothed in gaudy, rough and scratchy Day we are comforted in the mind; but Night, enwrapping us in soft velvet, startles and afrights. The sleepy cat of day becomes at night the cruel, alert and sharp clawed predator of the tiny, timorous mouse.
One of the very rare "surreal Richmond" series:


  1. This is rather startling...I think a good photo compels you to look closer...well done

  2. I love this photo - it feels comforting (it's daytime here, so that quote is right!)
    Is that a little star I see?
    You still haven't told me if you have ugly stuff in Richmond!

  3. Two completely different illustrations with the same text! (I opened the link to the car!)

  4. Wow - stunning. Very sexy and romantic I think!! All i would need is a glass of wine to complete the scene.

  5. Chuckeroon, your photo and text takes my breath away. What was left of it, anyway, after I laughed and laughed at your comment about my Q is for Queen post. Thanks!

  6. Have you been smoking some wacky backy? That is some strange poetry. Great moody shot.
