Wednesday 30 January 2008

Haven for "alternative" styles - # 08/02

Brentford is an old community at the point where the Brent enters the Thames. It's an old inland harbour and convenient crossing point. Today the old wharves give excellent moorings to converted Dutch motor barges. They make bizarrely decorated and intriguing dwellings.

Camera: Olympus E3


  1. Oh I love this. I was expecting lots of factory buildings! Great shot. What a wonderful boat - and so close to others. Am now very excited about the Brentford visit.

    Super photo, Chuckeroon.

  2. Excellent photo. The mist at the back acts like a back drop to cover the usual view of the city. Nice. The boats are classic.

    Alex's World! -

  3. Can you please post some more shots of these boats?
    Do they actually move?
    Or do they just sit there?
    I was always fascinated with those English prison ships of the 1700s (not that these look like those).
    Before I die, I want to live on a house boat.
    I wonder if they get really cold in winter?
    And look at all those antennae!

  4. Future homes along the Seine?
    These old barges make me dream about the trips on the canals and rivers that I never made.

  5. Really nice photograph. I like the long shot, and the curve of the ropes which nicely contain the bottom of the picture.

  6. They do look a bit bizarre out of their natural environment... ;)
    I'll be absent for a while. Meanwhile, leave you with a somehow surprising post at Blogtrotter
    Wish you a great fortnight and see you by mid-February!

  7. Hi Stuart,
    I'm new to this blog - I was searching for photos of Richmond Upon Thames when I found your site and I was so captivated that I started reading from your start, one year ago. I would like to incorporate a couple of your images in a multimedia presentation I am creating. Please let me know if you would allow this.
    Keep up the fine work

  8. Bien entendu j'aime énormément cette photo, avec ces tons bruns de la couleur du bois, comme si ces péniches se fondaient dans l'environnement. D'ailleurs le photographe lui même se fond dans l'environnement, car il est perché d'une façon improbable pour prendre la photo.
    J'aime énormément ces formes pleines comme des ventres qui occupent l'espace. C'est, je le répète une image magnifique avec un "mood" incroyable.

    Une lieu de crime dans le petit matin pour le commissaire Maigret ? Non, pour Hercule Poirot, un autre belge...

  9. I tlooks romantic though I wouldn't like to live on such a boat. And at the very first moment it reminded me a bit of amsterdam, of course.
