Friday 4 January 2008

I'm 64, you know - # 343

......... Really? You don't look a day over 8.

Today is my birthday! I snapped these two handsome chaps (7-8 year olds by my estimate counting the points on their antlers) a couple of days ago.

My good wishes to all of you out there.


  1. Many happy returns

    Nice shot - the long grass helps accentuate the DOF

  2. Wow. I wish. Are these the King's own? Or I guess the Queen's own property? What a beautiful photograph. What a luck duck you are to be there to snap the picture.

    Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Chuckeroon, happy 64 years today.

    Me and Patty

  3. Happy Birthday, Chuckeroon. Beautiful photo to celebrate your big day and right, you don't look a day over 8 .....errrr, 18 perhaps?

  4. Chuckeroon...Happy Birthday...a great way to kick start this year and every year...cheers

  5. Happy birthday! and Happy New Year! Cheers! wonderful catch!

  6. Hi Chuckeroon...have just been to my I haven't been to Southall...but am intrigued... will suss it out...thanks

  7. Happy Birthday... I hope you have had a good day
    nice capture btw


  8. Happy birthday, Chuckles!! Hope you're having a good one and many happy returns of the day! I'll try to get a wheat shot for you if I can find some...

  9. Happy birthday, dear Chuck. May you have had a very nice day today and all teh best for the coming months.

    Great photo and new design, I see. Very nice!

  10. I thought you were younger.
    Maybe 50ish - although I think I recall you saying you had been born during WWII, so that doesn't really follow, does it?
    Do you have anything profound to share about experiencing 63? I wonder what you will learn in 64?
    I hope it is an interesting and fulfilling year.
    So, do these deer just wander around common land? Do they attack people with those antlers?

  11. I'm in late, I'm sorry. It's 1:30am here and at the moment you probably are resting, 'cause tired, 'cause old..... Ahahah HAPPY BIRTHDAY Chuck, great friend !!!

  12. Happy Birthday and many more! Lovely shot you snapped!

  13. Impressive! And happy birthday!

  14. Many happy returns! Now excuse me for asking, but I've always wanted to know and it's a little hard to see in the pictures. Is that 32 spikes on each antler, or 64 on each??

  15. @Ham...if I counted right, each one has about 7 or 8 points (total 14-16) on his antlers - I believe that means that the stag is 7-8 years old. I think I can count 8 and decided that 8x8 is 64, which made it a superb birthday joke. However, I have detected over time that you are teaser, so I'm staying guarded. That's all you will get from me. ;-)

  16. Happy Belated Birthday!

    You don't look a day over 63. :-)
