Tuesday 1 January 2008

Cloudscape- # 340

1st Jan 2008 has dawned grey and wet, fairly mild, but with a promise of worsening weather as the week progresses. We may even have snow down here in south-east. This will improve the photography opportunities outdoors. If not, I shall have to find some nice museums and architectural interiors.

At least these clouds made a pleasant pattern as the sun tried to break through over Richmond Park.

I wish you all a peaceful 2008. (Camera: Olympus C7070 WZ)


  1. Gorgeous photograph. You are enjoying your new toy, aren't you?

    Happy New Year again!

  2. The photo is very nice and I like it.

    I also wanted to thank you for all of the visits to my blog in 2007. And to wish you and your family a Happy and Healthy 2008 from me and Patty.

  3. Hi - wow look at all these big photos - glad you don't have too many on your page - otherwise I would have trouble seeing them.

    This sky is stunning but does look very cold!!!

  4. Happy New Year Chucker - I look forward to another year of good photos, banter, repartee and abuse. NB I commented on your autofocus remarks on my blog, but I didn't email you because of the uncertainty with Yahoo mail

  5. There seems actually to be a menace of bad weather behind these clouds. Let's see what the week will bring on your blog; snow or museum pictures. In any case, all the best!
