Monday, 14 January 2008

Olympian enjoyment - # 353 glad you all liked yesterday's (accidentally) blue cobbles. Here is the nice ice pattern on my blue car last Saturday.

Camera: Olympus E3.


  1. Very pretty. I am so amazed at the beauty that surrounds us all the time.

  2. When I saw the thumbnail at first, I thought it was a photo of mountains from an airplane. Lovely that you captured this.

    I'd like to know how you got a wide template for your blog. Would you write me and tell me? I'd like a wide one for Guelph Daily Photo!



    Guelph Daily Photo, Pat's Photo-a-Day

  3. That's extraordinary - I don't have much experience with ice and I've never had ice on my car.
    It looks like pirouette marks left by a skater.

  4. Airplane view is what I thought too. Nice.

    I hope you can come over and read about Charley.

  5. Really icy!! How close is this?

  6. @Peter...fairly close up. I had the telephoto attached and whacked it off at 100mm...I sort of held it up highish and stood back a bit. This was the best of 3. I was in a hurry to catch the bus, but stopped to capture this, it looked so nice.

  7. This is so lovely! I really like it. I took a similar shot of frost on the windshield in Seguin (TX) but this one I like much more!
